Fear Not Press Kit


Film Festivals 2023

We are pleased to announce Fear Not, has been selected by multiple film festivals! This is truly an honor to have the stories of our protagonist, Evelyne Keomian recognized and celebrated on such grand platforms. We are honored our directors and directors of photography Annette King, and Ivanovitch Ingabire are acknowledged for their industry work.

We invite all of you to join us at the festivals to celebrate the changemakers spotlighted in the films. It will be a unique experience to see their meaningful work on the big screen and witness the impact it has on the audience.

Save the dates and stay tuned for updates and ticket sales!


Fear Not Screening at KALW Radio (2024)

A Divine Journey Trailer Release Party

BraveMaker Film Festival 2023 - FEAR NOT Screening


A moderated discussion about joining or leading a social cause focused on educational advocacy.


Docs in Progress event to view and critique our work sample and discuss progress with Unmasked Documentary.


Splicer Films’ first Speaker Series introducing Maick Mutej as he shares the road to overcoming hardships and leading efforts of positive social change.